Todi - Umbria, Italy

Trip to Todi, in the heart of central Italy, a beautiful very ancient town enclosed into medieval walls and crossed by two further concentric rings of walls, belonging to different expansion stages of the town during thousands of years.

Todi, Umbria, Italy Todi, Umbria, Italy
Todi, Umbria, Italy Todi, Umbria, Italy
The central main square in Todi.

Garibaldi square, with a beautiful view on the valley below.

Todi, Umbria, Italy. The cathedral.
Todi's main cathedral.
Todi, Umbria, Italy. The cathedral.
Todi, Umbria, Italy. The cathedral.

Inside the main cathedral in Todi's downtown.

Todi, Umbria, Italy Todi, Umbria, Italy
Todi, Umbria, Italy
Walking in Todi, between narrow streets and long stairs (see the pictures below also).
Todi, Umbria, Italy Todi, Umbria, Italy
Todi, Umbria, Italy Todi, Umbria, Italy
Todi, Umbria, Italy. Ancient walls.

Very ancient walls from 2nd century B.C.

Todi, Umbria, Italy. An old gate. Todi, Umbria, Italy. An old gate.
Todi, Umbria, Italy. An old gate.

Perugina gate, on the current outermost ring of walls.


Todi, Umbria, Italy. Older outer walls.

Ancient ring of walls, belonging to different expansion stages of the town over two thousands years.

Top: fonte Scarnabecco; center: S. Ilario church; right: "nicchioni romani"
Todi, Umbria, Italy. St. Ilary church.

Walking on the walls.

Todi, Umbria, Italy Todi, Umbria, Italy
Views onto Todi and the valley below.
Todi, Umbria, Italy
The "cappuccini" monastery (left) and the temple of "Consolazione" (right).
Todi, Umbria, Italy

Temple of San Fortunato.

Todi, Umbria, Italy

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